LostSaloon - Technological Ramblings

seo: why you should put the external style sheets (css) in the document head

Every webpage has a head tag at the top of the source, known as the document head. It is different from what is sometimes referred as a header. Header usually refers to the visual elements that constitute the top part of a web site. Usually the header has a constant look and feel across all the pages, often containing the site logo and navigation menus.

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what is bounce rate in web analytics?

In web analytics, the Bounce Rate is a popular metric that is often used to measure how engaging your website is to the visitor. Bounce Rate is measured as the percentage of total visits to the websites that results in just one page view. To elaborate it even further, it is the percentage of page visits when the user left your website straight from the entrance page or the landing page.

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how to sort the output of 'top' command by memory or cpu usage

One of the programs that you can use to quickly see the various process information in Linux is the top command. The fact that the command can be run from virtually any command prompt and it is self updating makes it an extremely handy tool. This allows you can quickly find the processes that are consuming too many resources on the machine.

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how to set font size or size of text in html or css

Defining the size of text in different contexts is important when designing and developing webpages. In HTML, there are primarily two different ways of specifying the font size or size of text. One is using the font tag and the other is using cascading style sheets or CSS.

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how to run cron jobs as a specific user other than root in linux

Cron jobs are an essential part of Linux and Unix systems. The Cron is a software utility that is available on almost all versions of Unix and Linux by default. It is a time-based scheduler program that can run jobs, such as commands and scripts at specified days or times. As mentioned it is primarily used for system maintenance purposes but you could use it for any purpose.

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how you can easily disable category feeds (and tag feeds) in wordpress websites

Wordpress is one of the common and popular content management used to develop and publish Blogs and websites. Wordpress provides RSS or news feed support out of the box without a very good interface to either enable and/or disable any or all of those feeds.

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how to use the tail command to view files in linux

There are several different ways to view text files in Linux. You can use a text editor such as vi or gedit. You can also use an utility like more or less that will print out the complete content of the file. tail is yet another utility that will allow you to view the contents of a file.

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kde plasma - how to install themes

KDE comes with a wide range of themes and an easy installer allowing you to tweak the look and feel of your desktop. There are several different types of themes that controls different aspects of the environment and each of it can use a different theme.

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how to find all files containing specific text in a linux filesystem?

Most search utilities work by crawling, parsing and generating an index of the file content so that they can be searched later. Many operating systems and desktop environment follow this approach to make searching faster.

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how to easily disable all RSS feeds in wordpress websites and blogs

Wordpress is one of the most popular Content Management System (CMS) used to develop websites and blogs. The news or rss feeds are an integral part of the Wordpress platform and is enabled by default for websites and blogs. There are usually times when you do not want one, many or all of those feeds enabled.

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linux: how to list users?…show all users or just local users

Linux doesn't provide a straight forward command to list all users in the system. You can list users who are currently logged in, or you can find groups that the user belongs to, but really no simple way to list users or to get a comprehensive list of all users in the system or a list of users in a specific group.

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how to find the os version in linux from command line

Linux and Unix operating systems comes in a wide range of flavors often bundled as different distributions by different vendors. Every one of these distributions also comes with an often particular version of the Linux kernel. Mostly it is a latest version of the kernel, but you would want to check the kernel version to see how up to date it is.

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how to view all details or metadata of a file in linux command line

When viewing a particular file in Linux, you might want to see all the relevant file metadata associated with it. The file metadata details includes information regarding its size, permissions, creation date, access date, inode number, uid/gid, file type etc.

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how to reload or refresh a webpage using javascript

When developing webpages for a website, you will often come across pages that updates much more frequently than others. One of the easiest way to ensure that the viewers get the latest content is to refresh the page automatically.

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how to sort text, lines and fields in the emacs editor

Emacs has several different ways of sorting text in the buffer. You can sort lines, paragraphs and also sort text based on fields or words in the line.

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kde plasma 5: how to add and remove panels in the desktop

If you are using the latest KDE desktop, which is Plasma 5 then you have the ability to add multiple panels to your desktop. The panels in KDE (as with most other desktop environments) have the ability to hold different widgets that allows you interact with the system better and faster.

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how to merge two or more directories in linux

Before we merge two or more directories, we need to define what we mean by "merge" in the context of directories. There can be a variety of requirements that could be named as merging of directories. Let's assume that merging of (two or more) directories means "to create a new directory with files from all of the merged directories". There can be other requirements associated with this, but we will tackle those as we go along.

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how to format an usb drive in fat16/fat32/ntfs from linux command line

One of the reasons of having to use an usb drive is to transfer files between different machines, usually with different operating systems. Unfortunately, there are still enough Windows machines out in the wild that reads only specific file systems in formats such as FAT32 or NTFS.

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how to access ftp servers and transfer files in linux without an ftp client

Many times softwares are hosted on ftp servers, especially open source and not so popular ones. FTP servers are also good method to transfer files and folder between machines. This means that you will need to occasionally connect to FTP file servers either to download or upload files.

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what is data compression and why use it

Data compression is a process by which the file size is reduced by re-encoding the file data to use fewer bits of storage than the original file. The original file can then be recreated from the compressed representation using a reverse process called decompression.  There are several different algorithms and implementations that allow you to compress your files, some of which perform better than others for certain kinds of file types.

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how to choose a data compression software based on speed and ratio

Data Compression is a process by which files and folders are reduced in size so that it can be managed better for some file operations such as file transfer, web use and archiving. There are several softwares or utilities such as rar, zip, lzma, lzop etc that perform compression and/or archiving, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

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javascript: how to delete or remove a property from javascript objects?

If you are a seasoned JavaScript developer, then you work with JavaScript objects all the time and it is pretty obvious how you can remove properties from objects. This post is more for the uninitiated and newbies, not for programmers ;-).

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how to copy files from multiple locations to a single folder from linux command line

Many times you want to copy files over from several different locations into single location on your system. There could be many reasons why you may want to do it. For example, this may be to aggregate all image files or log files from all over into a single folder.

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how to get current date and time inside a shell script

When writing shell scripts, many times you would want to get the current time and date, that is the date and time when the script is getting executed. This value can be saved to a variable and used through out the script for various different purposes. You can use them to generate informative file names or even other variables. You can use them to compare it with an another time or date etc.

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how to change users or profile in mozilla firefox

Mozilla Firefox is one of the most popular web browsers out there today. The firefox browser has the ability to support multiple users or profiles. This functionality works more as a way to provide the ability to separate data and configuration rather than to provide any kind of security.

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how to determine the current command line shell in linux

Linux has many different command line shells that can be used. And different Linux distros use different shells as default. Sometimes you might also be using different shells in different terminals.

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how to sort du command output by size in linux

If you use a Linux system often enough, you should already be familiar with the du command. The du command allows you to check or print the file space usage. You can use it to print out the current disk usage for a set of files and folders.

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how to enable and disable colors in linux command shell

Many modern command shells and commands are capable of displaying its output in color. Most times it is a combination of the shell and the command that provides the ability to display the text in color. The terminal displays these colors in response to some ANSI encoded control sequences generated by the command as part of its output.

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kde plasma 5: how to add and remove a widget from panel in kde

In KDE and Plasma 5, you can have as many panels as you like on your desktop. The panels are usually only useful if it contains some widgets in it. We will see how you can add, delete or modify widgets to your panels.

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how to rename file extensions of multiple files in a folder from command line in linux

You might have several files inside a folder with the same file extension that you want to rename or change the file extension of. For example, you might want to change the all .text extension to .txt or all .jpeg extensions to .jpg.

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how can you delete saved passwords from mozilla firefox

Mozilla Firefox, as with most modern browsers give you the ability to save passwords for different websites and webpages. This makes web browsing easier, as it does allow you to easily log in to websites that you visit often.

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how to update or change the user password in linux

There are plenty of reasons as to why you might want to change or update your password. Be it for security reasons or just to make it easier to remember you will run into a situation when you need to change your password in Linux. The command to change your password in both Linux and Unix is passwd.

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how to enable and disable double click mouse options in KDE

If you are primarily a command line user in Linux, then it is possible that you don't use the mouse a whole lot. If you use a desktop environment such as KDE or Gnome, and use the graphical file managers then you probably use the mouse quite a bit. The common practice is to click on file icons (or file names) to open the files in appropriate software.

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how to add or create new user groups in linux

Creating user group is fundamental to the process of user management in Linux. Most Unix systems come with many user groups built in, most of them system groups out of the box, that is usually sufficient for single user systems. If you have multiple users on the same system, then you probably want to create your own groups to manage the users better.

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how to save a file or buffer in emacs editor

If you have worked with emacs then you might be familiar with the concept of buffers. It is similar to what other editors might call tabs or files. In emacs, it refers to the contents of some file or directory that you had opened and it is a copy of the contents of those files. So the contents of the file does not change until you save the buffer.

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how to find detailed information about your cpu in linux

Many times you want to find out more information about the hardware, especially the CPU that is installed on your machine. This cpu info is most often helpful if you want to download or install an appropriate version of a software, for example.

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how to setuid for a file in linux

SetUID stands for set user id on execution. The Linux systems allow for elevated or escalated privileges when executing files. This is a special type of permission that can be set on the file in addition to the usual set of file permissions.

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What is the difference between single quotes and double quotes in bash

When you are writing shell scripts or typing out commands in bash, you might have noticed that you can use either the single quotes (') or the double quotes (") with most commands. This is true not just with scripts but with all bash commands as well. But there is a difference between the two types of quotes, single vs double quotes and how the bash shell interprets it.

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how to change the default ssh port in linux

One of the best ways to connect to a remote machine is by using the ssh protocol. *S*ecure *S*ocket *S*hell (or ssh) is a cryptographic network protocol that allows you to securely connect to a remote machine. It also refers to a suite of utilities that implement the protocol, such as the ssh server and an ssh client.

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how to enable and disable syntax highlighting in emacs

Emacs comes with syntax highlighting enabled out of the box for most modes or file types. So it should work just fine in most cases. The standard way that Emacs perform syntax highlighting is using the font-lock-mode function. It is turned on by default.

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how to change encoding in gedit text editor

GEdit is one most popular text editor in Linux desktops. It comes with a whole lot of functionalities. Often times you will need to change the encoding of the file you are viewing in the editor. Many of the editors provide you with the ability to change the file encoding on the fly. We will see how we can change the encoding of files using the GEdit text editor.

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how to change desktop wallpaper in kde plasma

As with any self respecting window manager, Plasma (KDE) also give you the ability to set or change wall papers on your desktop. There are several different options when setting wallpaper for your desktop. If you have multiple screens, you can have separate or different configuration for each of your screens or desktops.

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how to add a line break in html

Most if not all of the HTML browsers ignore the typical line breaks and spaces that are in the source code such as "Enter", multiple "spaces", "tabs" etc. This means that the line breaks you see in the source code will not translate when the page gets rendered in the browser.

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how to show line numbers in emacs editor

When editing a file in emacs, you can choose to display the line numbers just like the other text editors.

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how to set or change your homepage in mozilla firefox

Mozilla Firefox has several options to configure the start or homepage in the browser. The homepage button allows you to easily go to a specific webpage or URL. This is probably a website that you visit very often and is also your start page.

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how to enable and disable ipv6 in linux

IP addresses provide an identification and address to devices in a network so that they can communicate with other devices. These IP addresses need to be unique so that the device can be uniquely identified with in the network.

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how to delete a folder or directory in linux

The Linux command to delete a folder or directory is the same as the one to delete a file. You can use the rm command to delete both files and folders. Deleting an empty directory is easy enough but if you try to remove a directory that has files in them, you will get an error.

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brace expansion in linux simplfied with examples

If have been bash programming, then you must have seen brace expansion syntax being used in shell commands. The main purpose of brace expansion is automatically generate a set of strings (or numbers) that follows a general pattern.

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how to create a new file or buffer in emacs editor

If you have been using emacs as your text editor then one of the first things you probably want to know is how to create a new file or buffer in the editor. As with many of the modern editors, emacs has the concept of a buffer and a file.

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how to enable and disable syntax highlighting in vi or vim editor

Syntax Highlighting is a feature where the readability of the displayed text is enhanced by showing certain words, phrases or keywords in differing colors or fonts. This is especially useful when viewing source code of various programming, scripting or markup languages. In fact any text with an associated grammar can have syntax highlighting.

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how to show line numbers in gedit text editor

There are many graphical editors in Linux, many with specific or unique features for text editing. GEdit and Kate are probably the most popular of these, mostly because they are tied to desktop environments such as Gnome and KDE respectively. There are several more that you could try such as Cream, JEdit, Kwrite and Scribes.

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how to copy, cut and paste in emacs editor

You cannot cut, copy or paste in emacs editor, instead you kill, kill-ring-save, yank and yank-pop. Emacs uses a different terminology for the actions commonly known as cut, copy and paste. There are slight variation in the functionality as well.

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kde5: how to restart plasma desktop

There are situations when you would want to restart your KDE plasma environment without having to restart the entire system. This maybe because you have compiled a new version of plasma, or your current plasma shell is hanging and is not responding.

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how to find matching braces in vi or vim editor

If you are using the vi or vim editor to browse code (or any text for that matter), then quite often you would want to find the matching parenthesis to determine the scope of the enclosing brackets. Most modern editors such as gvim or vim has the ability to automatically highlight the matching parenthesis when the cursor is on a bracket/brace/parenthesis.

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how to change encoding of a buffer in emacs

Emacs is pretty good at determining the default encoding of the file or buffer that it displays. The encoding of the file is determined when the file is loaded and the same encoding is used to save the content back to the file.

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how to repeat the last or previous command in emacs editor

One of the useful features of an editor is the ability repeat commands with minimal keystrokes. Many users find it useful when having to execute arduous long commands that require some typing.

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vi editor: how to go to a line by line number

The vi or vim editor is the popular and feature rich editor for editing text files in Linux. You can go to a particular line in the editor in several ways depending on where you are accessing it from.

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how to find matching parenthesis or braces in emacs editor

In Emacs, there are quite a few packages that allow you to match braces and brackets in the buffer. Some of these packages provide more functionality than others, but almost all them provide the matching functionality.

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how to count words in vi or vim editor

When editing text files, you might want to know the total number of words in the document. Sometimes you would want to count the number of a specific word. If you are using the vim or vi editor, then you can easily count the words using one of the following commands.

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how to rename a buffer and file in emacs editor

One of the features you will need to use repeatedly while using a text editor is the ability to save the buffer or the file to the disk. In Emacs, saving the file or buffer to disk is easy enough but how do you rename the current buffer or save it to different file on the disk.

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how to reverse lines and characters in the buffer in emacs editor

There are several different commands to sort text in the buffer. Reversing lines, words or even paragraphs is just a variation of sorting text.

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how to increase line spacing in emacs editor

Depending on the font you are using, there are times when you would want to increase the spacing between the lines to make it more readable. The variable that controls the spacing between lines is line-spacing and can executed in the mini-buffer or added to the configuration file.

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how to go to a specific line number in emacs

One of the common forms of navigation with in a text editor is the ability to go to specific line in the buffer by using the line number. In emacs, you can browse or navigate the buffer in several different ways and the "go to line number" feature is just one of them.

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how and why to defer parsing of javascript in a webpage

Most modern day websites heavily use client scripts to make the websites dynamic, responsive and personalized. The most popular of these scripts is the JavaScript, which is used to display third party widgets, dynamic menus, responsive forms etc. to name a few.

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how to count characters, words and lines in a text file in linux

Many modern day graphical text editors have the functionality to count characters, words and lines of the text file that it is being edited. But sometimes you would want to see the statistics of the text file from the command line. It is also useful when you want to see and compare these for several different files.

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how to count words and lines in the emacs editor

One of the functionality you might want from a text editor is the ability to count words and lines in the current buffer. This is especially useful for writers, but can be useful for others a well.

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how to use a single user CSS file in firefox, chrome and opera

Most modern web browsers support custom or user stylesheets which can be used to modify the look and feel of a web page before it is rendered. Usually there are multiple ways to set up a custom stylesheet (or user css file) in web browsers. Some browsers use extensions or addons while other just uses a simple css text file. Sometime you can use either or both.

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how to split a file into multiple files in linux

Quite often you encounter files, usually text files that are just too big to handle. Various file operations such as even opening these files in a text editor can eat into the memory of the machine making it sluggish. It also makes searching and other text processing inside the files even more time and resource consuming.

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understanding file linking: hard link vs symbolic (or soft) link in linux

In Linux and Unix operating systems, file linking is a process by which a single file is referred to by multiple names from various locations. You can essentially think of them as shortcuts or pointers, something that you can create to avoid maintaining multiple copies while still accessing the same file content from various folders by different names.

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how to create a symbolic link (hard or soft) in linux

Creating symbolic links or pointers to a file or folder is an important feature of posix based operating systems such as Linux and Unix. Links gives you the ability to create or duplicate "files" in the system with different names with out creating separate copies of the file. This makes it easier to update and modify a single copy where by all the links or shortcuts to the file are also updated.

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how to copy symbolic links in linux from the command line

Links are one of the widely used features in Linux. In its most basic sense, Links are just special files that allow you to create references to other files and directories. It has many advantages and it works more or less like a regular file or directory. You can access and operate on a link just as you can perform different functions on a file.

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how to display line numbers when viewing a file in linux

While viewing files in Linux, especially text files it is often informative and useful to see the line numbers. Text based editors and utilities such as vi, nano, cat or less can all display line numbers with a command line argument or with an command with in the editor. Many text editors with a graphical interface will display line numbers by default, but you can always toggle it from the options to enable or disable it.

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how to merge multiple files into one single file in linux

Many a times you may have multiple files that needs to merged into one single file. It could be that you previously split a single file into multiple files, and want to just merge them back or you have several log files that you want merged into one. Whatever the reason, it is very easy to merge multiple text files into a single file in Linux.

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how to remove (rm) or delete a directory or folder in linux

There are several different ways to delete folders or directories in Linux file systems. If you use a graphical file browser such as dolphin or nautilus then it provides an easy enough way to delete directory, files and sub-folders. But, sometimes you have access only to the command line and want to delete directory from the command line. Using the command line is also very useful when you need to delete nested folders selectively.

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how to copy a folder in linux using the command line

Often times you need to copy a folder or file to another location or into another folder. A copy is a process where a duplicate of the original file or folder is created at another location. After the end of the copy process you will have two identical copies of the same file at two different locations.

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how to sort the output of 'ls command' in linux command line

In Linux or Unix, ls is the command used to list the contents of a directory. When displaying the files and folders in the directory, it is sometimes more informative to have them sorted by name, size or an another attribute. The ls command does provide some sorting options that are commonly used, such as sorting by name, last modified time, last accessed time and file size.

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how to change the working directory in linux from command line

When you are working from the command line in Linux, you will often need to change the current working directory. Although almost all functions can be performed without changing the working directory, it is often clearer and convenient when you can perform the operation from within the intended directory.

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10 commonly used basic linux commands you should know

Most modern Linux distros come with one or more desktop environments already installed. These desktop environments, such as KDE and Gnome are very rich in applications that you can usually get by without using any of the commands or command line utilities directly.

You should still know at least some of the basic Linux commands that you can use from the command line in order to use the system effectively. It not only comes in handy when using a desktop, it is extremely useful while working remotely on another machine.

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image search optimization using alt and title attributes in img html tags

So you inserted one or more pictures into your blog post as the SEO experts said you should, now you want to do some image search optimization so that you can rank higher for text as well as image searches. But there are two attributes in the image tag called alt and title ……. which should you use and how does it impact the SEO?

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when to use child themes in wordpress and its advantages and disadvantages

A WordPress Child Theme is a theme that inherits the functionality and look and feel of another WordPress Theme, which is referred to as the Parent Theme. The Child theme then have the ability to extend and override the functionality of the parent theme.

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7 distinct advantages of developing a custom wordpress theme

One of the important things when starting or updating a WordPress blog is the choice of a theme. You usually have several different options to choose from. Depending very much on your requirements, you can choose a specific theme framework and then choose a theme that has been developed on top of that framework.

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10 tips to choosing the best wordpress theme for website or blog

While starting a blog, one of the important choices you will make is the choice of a theme. The theme that you select will not only decide the look and feel of the blog, but can also influence several other SEO factors.  It can influence the loading or rendering speed of the webpage  and the page size .

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how to enable and disable trackbacks or pingbacks in wordpress

A Trackback or Pingback is a mechanism by which a blog or website can be notified when another blog post or websites creates a link back to the site. For example, when you publish a post that has links to a blog post on another domain then the other blog is notified of this backlink. The other blog can then choose to display this trackback on their own post, thus creating a back link to your blog.

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how to implement an HTTP redirect (301) for an URL

HTTP Redirect or URL Redirect is a technique used by the web servers to serve the same and identical content for two or more URL addresses. This allows the users to use several different URLs knowingly or unknowingly but the content that is delivered is exactly identical and transparent to the user. There are several cases where this is useful.

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understanding the XML sitemap and the reasons why you should have one for your site

Sitemaps are an integral part of the most modern websites. Sitemap is essentially a file which lists all the URLs that point to the pages in the website. The sitemap can be in any format: text, HTML or XML.

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what is a robots.txt file and how it affects search engine indexing

The robots.txt is a text file that resides in the top level folder on your webserver. The purpose of the robots.txt file (or just robots file) is to provide some guidance to search engine crawlers as to what should be crawled and indexed, and what content should not be crawled.

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redirect non-www domain to the www domain and avoid duplicate content

A webpage or the website itself, can have more than one version of the URL pointing to it. This creates issues for a search engine crawlers and for the SEO of the website itself, often referred to as the canonicalization issue. Canonicalization or c14n, in the world of websites, is the process in which the best URL is chosen for a landing page where and when there is several possibilities. One prime example is the homepage of the website, which usually has two equivalent URLs pointing to it.

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how to use wget to find broken links on your website

As websites get larger and larger with ever-growing content, it could easily get to be a nightmare to maintain. It is true for any website. But this is especially true of a blog, a forum or any site with a constant influx of new content.

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seo: how to minify source files to reduce the webpage size and improve rendering

Minification is the process by which all unnecessary characters, including white spaces are removed from the source files so as to reduce the size of the file, without comprising any of the functionality of the program. The unnecessary characters can include spaces, blank, new line and comments.

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how to use a custom or user stylesheet (css) in a web browser

Almost all modern browsers support a user customizable CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) that you can use to modify the look and feel of a website when it is displayed on your browser. You could change the fonts, the color and even the layouts of almost all websites using custom user stylesheets. I am sure there are atleast a couple annoying things about a website that you frequent that you wish they did change, so now this is one way you could deal with it.

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how and why to avoid css @import statements in stylesheets on your websites

Among the many things that you can do to improve the search engine optimization (SEO) of your web pages, one of the easiest and important thing is to improve on the page load time. It has been shown that improving the page speed leads to better user experience, user engagement and thus, indirectly better search engine optimization. Avoiding the CSS @import statements in your stylesheets are just one of those things to do to improve SEO.

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seo: how and when to inline CSS in your webpage

CSS or cascading style sheets are an important part of most websites. Having a CSS file has many advantages in the development and maintenance of the website. Some of the prominent advantages are:

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understanding style sheets (css) and three different ways to use them

Cascading style sheets or CSS are an important part of modern day websites. They allow you to format the HTML elements as defined in your layouts. It can also be used to do webpage layouts in addition to setting properties such as fonts and colors. Using CSS allows for some amount separation between your web content, layout and formatting. This increases the maintainability of the website and allows you share a consistent look and feel among your webpages.

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11 easy ways to optimize and speed up your wordpress blog

WordPress is a very popular Content Management System (CMS) that is widely used by many blogs and even websites. It has many features that make the process of editing, managing and publishing of the web content easier. One of the downsides of such a feature rich CMS is that it tends be slow in serving web content. There are several easy things that you can do to substantially speed up WordPress blogs.

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how to enable and disable toolbar, menubar, tabbar and scrollbar in emacs

Most emacs distributions, at least the ones I have seen come with the toolbar and the menubar enabled. More often than not, it is a distraction and a waste of space. Also if you were planning to learn emacs the emacs way, then these definitely are not helpful.

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bash: find last occurrence of a character in a string

When writing shell scripts, you usually run into use cases where you want to manipulate text strings. Here we will see how you can find the last occurence of a single character in a string and then use that information to manipulate text or strings.

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how to write comments in html source code

If you have done programming in any language, you must realize how important comments are in understanding code. Of course, you need to write good comments and maintain them regularly. When done correctly, it is an invaluable tool in understanding code logic in long running code bases.

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how to take screenshots with gimp in linux

GIMP is probably the most comprehensive, versatile and free image manipulation software available in Linux. In addition to the various image manipulation functionality that GIMP provides, you can also use it to take screen shots of your desktop or windows.

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what is an impression in google adsense

Impression is a technical term that can used in various different contexts to denote essentially the same concept. However depending on which product you are referring to, and depending on the context you are alluding to, it takes a slightly different meaning. The term is used in ad networks such as Google Adwords or Google Adsense, search engines such as Google Search or Bing, in social networks such Facebook or twitter or even on a website.

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what is google adsense and how it all works

Google AdSense is a web based ad display network and/or service run by Google to facilitate content creators and content websites to display advertisements to consumers or visitors. It is one of Google's highest revenue generating programs constituting about 28% of the total revenue (atleast that is what I hear). This service acts as a bridge between the advertisers and content websites or publishers by providing both the parties with an easy to manage interface as well as hosting and managing the advertisements in the cloud.

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what is your keyword strategy with in an ad group and how to have one

There are several different strategies to group keywords in a campaign and ad groups. There is no right or wrong way to do it. How so ever you do it, you will still see clicks and traffic.

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working with low search volume keywords in google adwords

If you have used Google Adwords for any amount of time, you would have noticed that some of your keywords have a status of low search volume. This is a status that is assigned by the adwords platform to keywords that have no search history or very little search history in Google. It also means that the keyword is currently in an inactive state and the ads are not being shown to users for that keyword.

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how to use google suggest to find long tail keywords

If you are using Google Adwords to advertise your products or services, you already know that you need to come up keywords that best describe what you are selling. There are several way you can come up with the keywords that you want to bid for. The long tail keywords is arguably the set of keywords that can give you the best return on investment for the effort.

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how to update or delete keywords in google adwords

Google Adwords lets you create keywords and key phrases against which your advertisements are run. More often than not you will run into a scenario where you will need to delete or update one or more of your keywords.

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how to optimize the meta description tag of a webpage

The description meta tag is an html tag, defined inside the head section of an html or web page and it defines a human readable description about the contents of the web page. This is a much more detailed description of the page when compared to the title tag of the page. So, ideally a web page will have a title tag and also a description meta tag, each of which does the job of accurately describing the page content.

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4 easy ways to get to the top position in google adwords

Google Adwords is one of the most popular medium for internet marketing. You can use Adwords to market in three distinct areas of internet marketing: the search engine pages, Google search partners and in websites supporting Google Adsense (display networks). Among the three, the search engine is probably one of the most coveted marketing strategies adopted by almost all of the advertisers.

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how to get more impressions in google adwords and its pros and cons

Google Adwords is a web analytics software from Google which allows you to track and monitor your website statistics. Adwords Impressions are the number of times your advertisement was displayed to the user or appeared on the screen. It could have been displayed on the Google search result page, on a Google content network page or any other site on the Google network. Each rendering of the ad is counted as one impression, so a page refresh could end up being counted as two impressions and so forth.

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how to find out what keywords your competitors are using for marketing

One of the most important factors that determines the success (and cost) of your online marketing campaign is the competition. It determines how much or what share of the traffic you get and also how much money you need to spend for getting that. As you can imagine, the higher the competition the higher the cost of marketing.

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2 simple ways to set a target for your click-thru rates in google adwords

When working with Google Adwords, one of the common questions that you hear is what is a good ctr for my campaign? Or what is the best ctr for my keywords?. Unfortunately, there is no correct answer for this question, as it depends very much on a lot of different factors. Some of these factors are in your control and some of which are outside your direct control.

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adwords: the art of developing a bidding strategy based on match type

There are three different match types you can use in Ad groups while creating keywords. Each of these match types uses different strategies to match your ads to the user search queries. This also could mean that the users that clicks on the ad will have different conversion rates depending on the match type.

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adwords on budget: use exact match (and phrase match) instead of the broad match

Google AdWords gives you three different ways to match your keywords to a user queries. They are: Broad match, Phrase match and Exact match. First you should familiarize yourself with how exactly these three match types work, which will help you decide on how best to use it in your case.

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adwords on budget: optimize low quality score keywords

The Quality Score of the keywords in your Google AdWords account is one of the most important factors in determining how much you pay for each click, or the CPC (Cost-per-Click) of the keyword. When you have a low quality score, you could potentially be paying more for each bid than you probably should. That is because the CPC is dependent on the quality score of the keyword as well.

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adwords on budget: what should the monthly or daily budget be?

One of the most difficult questions when starting out with Google AdWords is, what your monthly or daily budget be. You might have heard various different suggestions, most of the references being vague such as a small, medium or big budgets. This is so, because the daily budget depends very much on the specific factors that affect your campaign and there is really no correct answer.

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how to add sitelinks to your ads in google adwords and how it can increase the ctr

Google Adwords is an internet marketing tool that lets you create ads that can then be matched against user queries and displayed on the search pages. The text ads contains just one link along with a header and description and a click on the ad takes the user to the specified link which is called the landing page. You can enhance these ads by what are called Sitelinks.

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comparing pageviews per visit and bounce rate as a measure of user engagement

Pageviews per Visit and Bounce Rate are two different but related statistics that measure user engagement on your website. Bounce rate shows the percentage of visitors who viewed just one page on your website as compared to the visitors who visited more than one page. The Pages per visit measures the average number of pages that were viewed by all your visitors.

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google adwords: how to exclude locations in google adwords

Geo-targeting in Google Adwords is a very powerful feature. It allows you to target specific users based on their geographic location. It also allows you to exclude marketing to users in specific locations. There are several advantages in using the geo-targeting functionality in Adwords.

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google adwords: how to choose keywords the easy way…well, sort of

If you are using Google Adwords or any of the other online marketing platforms then you are already aware of the importance of keywords in advertising. The choice of the most appropriate keywords will allow you to have more impressions, more clicks and generate enough revenue. It will ideally be a good return on your marketing investment.

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google adwords: 4 reasons you should use the keywords in ad text

When advertising with Google Adwords, or any marketing platform for that matter you will need to create and specify two very important parts of the campaign: Keywords and Advertisements. They are very important because these are the two key factors that are under your control to match the advertiser or publisher with the right customer or audience.

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how to find where the clicks are coming from in google adwords

Google Adwords lets you use several different user attributes to target the ads better. You can use several different parameters such as time of the day, type of device, bid amount etc in addition to the keywords and specific match types. One of the major marketing strategy is to target users based on the geographic location.

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4 reasons the long tail keywords often convert better in campaigns

Long tail Keywords are all the rage these days and for a good reason. As the number of advertisers and content publishers increase in size, there is less and less of the high traffic generating single word keywords or head keywords left to compete for. If you are a content publisher, it is getting harder and harder to optimize for these high traffic keywords. As marketer you will see that the competition is high and you have to pay a steep price to rank for them.

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google adwords: 9 ways to optimize your marketing cost in google adwords

Google Adwords is one of the most popular online marketing services available. There are several different reasons as to why you should use Adwords for your online marketing. One of the benefits is the ability to control your overall budget. You can reduce or optimize the cost in Google Adwords using several different techniques.

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adwords on budget: start small…with a very low budget

Many small businesses have very limited cash and a low budget for advertising. If you happen to be a mom and pop store with limited cash flow, then it is quite challenging to have a pre-set budget every month for internet marketing. Internet marketing is still a very useful tool for these stores, even though they might not have online sales or the e-commerce feature. All you need is a working website.

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adwords on budget: should you remove brand keywords?

When you search for something using the brand name of the business, you will occasionally find that the website for the brand is the top advertisement in the Google Search Page. This is because the advertiser is bidding very high for their own brand keywords. So, the question is whether or not it is worthwhile to bid on your own brand name or the brand keywords?

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6 benefits of creating multiple ad groups in google adwords

Google Adwords follow pretty much a hierarchical structure. First, you have an account. Inside the account you have the Campaigns….and you can have several campaigns in your account but you should have at least one campaign. Inside each campaign, you can have several ad groups but you should have at least one ad group inside a campaign. Inside each ad group, you should at least have one keyword and one ad.

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adwords on budget: target specific ad positions to optimize cost and budget

Google Adwords is an easy to use and popular platform for internet marketing. Undoubtedly it garners the most visitors for your ad campaign compared to most other ad networks. This also means that you can very easily run out of budget very quickly. One important and easy way to optimize your campaign is to target specific ad positions for your keywords.

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what is google adwords and how to determine if it is for you

Google Adwords is an advertising product from Google which allows users to create, target and track the performance (of your) advertisements on the internet. That is probably as simple and short an explanation as it is going to get. Google provides this free product/service which allows you to market and monitor your performance online. While the product and service itself is free to use, you do pay for the advertisements that are served and the leads that are generated.

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how and where to find negative keywords for your google adwords campaign

Negative keywords are a useful feature of Google AdWords that allows you to drop some search queries from matching your keywords and ads. This allows you to restrict your AdWords ad impressions to a restricted and targeted audience, thus improving your Click thru rate (CTR) and the quality score of the keyword.

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how to find long tail keywords using google keyword tool

Google's Keyword Tool is a great resource for finding keywords that generates a lot of searches. The tool is primarily designed for Adwords users in order to find keywords that you want to advertise for. However, content producers can also take advantage for this tool to find out what keywords are being advertised for.

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adwords on budget: why you should remove or avoid low converting keywords

Google Adwords is one of the most popular internet advertising/marketing platform. It could bring in a lot of impressions and traffic depending on the keywords you are marketing for. That also means that the cost of advertising can grow out of control very quickly.

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google adwords: ad rotation configuration and optimizing ad impressions

In Google Adwords, you can have multiple ad groups with in a campaign. Each of these ad groups can in turn have multiple ads. When a search query (or a page in display network) matches one of the keywords in the ad group, an ad from the ad group is shown to the user. That is probably a rough and quick explanation of how Ad groups in Google Adwords work.

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google adwords: when to switch from broad match to exact match

In Google Adwords, you can use three different types of keyword matching: broad, phrase and exact match. These matches help you to target specific visitors based on the search queries that they use to search. It is probably one of the most important feature in Google Adwords that you have complete control over.

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adwords on budget: how and why to avoid display network in google adwords

If you have a limited budget for your Google Adwords marketing, then you will need to get creative about how and where you display your ads. One of the prudent things to do is to avoid the Display Network for all or at least some of the campaigns, and reinvest that into the Search Network. This will allow you to get better returns for your budget.

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adwords: 5 benefits of having multiple ads in an ad group

When working with an Google Adwords campaign, you will need to have at least one Ad Group in the campaign. There are several advantages to having ad groups in a campaign. Each of these ad groups can in turn contain several keywords and multiple ads in them.

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adwords on budget: how and why to target only long-tail keywords

Google Adwords is the most comprehensive and widely used advertising engine for online marketing. As it caters to a large proportion of the internet population, it is often very easy to run out of budget if you target the wrong keywords or audience. This is especially true for small business and advertisers on a smaller budget.

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how to delete or pause a campaign in google adwords

A typical well performing Google Adwords account will have several campaigns and ad groups. Over the course of time, your marketing strategies change. Some campaigns in your Adwords account will fall out of favor or might lose its effectiveness. Some might be just seasonal and needs to be put on hold till the next year. Or you could have made a mistake with one of your campaigns and just need to start over…Whatever the reason might be, you will need to pause or delete campaigns in the Adwords account at some point in time.

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google adwords: how to adjust your bidding based on location

If you are using Google Adwords for your online marketing, you will notice you have access to a whole lot of information about the visitors to your website. One of the important info you get is the geographic location of the visitors or the users who click on your ads. This location information can be very good resource as to where you should spend your advertising dollars.

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a simple strategy on how to choose keywords for adwords

Quite often the challenging part for beginners, is the task of choosing and configuring keywords for different ad groups in Google Adwords. The most common questions usually include: What if I do it wrong and choose the wrong keywords? Why don't I get enough clicks or traffic? Why does it cost so much?

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seo: broken links in webpages and its effects in seo

As websites get larger and larger with ever-growing content, it gets to be a nightmare to maintain. It is true for any website, unless you have a big enough and dedicated development team. But this is especially true of a blog, a forum or any site with a constant influx of new content.

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google adwords: what to do with low search volume keywords

Occasionally you will find some keywords marked as Low Search Volume in Google Adwords. This is especially true if you are using some long tailed keywords. So, what do you do when you have keywords that are not generating any impressions or clicks?

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what is content targeting in google adwords and how to use it effectively

Google AdWords is probably the most widely used platforms for internet marketing. AdWords supports multiple devices where your ads can be displayed and you can optimize your ads for each of them. There are two distinct contexts or networks for your ads to be displayed in to the users …

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adwords: how same keyword in different ad groups affect your campaign

It is very common to have different campaigns in your account and different ad groups with in your campaigns. It is always ideal to have different keywords in each of these ad groups. But some times you will end up with the same keywords (or similar keywords) in different ad groups.

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what are google adsense impressions…page impressions and ad unit impressions

No matter what the values are for your other statistics like CTR and CPC, the Adsense impressions count is one of the major factors affecting your revenue. Often the first and the easiest thing that you have to increase upon is the impressions. In order to increase the Adsense impressions you get, you need to understand the concept, definitions and the working of impressions.

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3 ways to increase impressions in google adsense

An Ad Impression in the online advertising context, represents a single visual display of an ad in the user's browser. It does not account for whether the user interacted with ad or not. It is counted as an impression every time an ad is fetched from the server with the intention of being displayed to the visitor on a webpage.

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how to get more traffic from google adwords

One of the major goals of running a internet marketing campaign is to generate more sales and revenue. In order to do so, you will need to generate more hits or traffic to your website.

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what is google analytics and why you should use it on your websites…

Google Analytics is free service and a web product from Google that provides you with detailed stats about your website performance and website visitors. It tracks many useful website statistics such as the traffic referrers, traffic sources and page views. It also shows you visitor stats such as the time spent on website, number of pages visited per visit, location of the visitor and site speed among many other stats.

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adwords on budget: avoid bidding wars and popular keywords to reduce cost

When marketing with Google Adwords, it is not uncommon to find that your budget is running out too quickly. This is either a sign that you are spending too much for your traffic or that you are targeting the wrong keywords. When you are on a budget your emphasis should be on getting the most return for your investment.

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how and where to find better long tail keywords for content optimization?

There really is no one universally accepted definition of what a long tail keyword is. In general terms, a long tail keyword (or a key phrase) is a search term that is usually longer than 2 or 3 words and is very specific in its semantics and purpose. Even though, any keywords could technically be called long tail keyword, there are some characteristics that are unique to these keywords that will help you identify them.

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does those bad and broken backlinks really hurt your search engine rankings?

A back link is a (web) link back to your webpage from another webpage in another web node. Although internal links are also technically back links, external links (mostly) are more relevant from the context of SEO. So, a back link typically is a web link in a webpage that resides on another domain that your own. Backlinks are also referred to as incoming links or inbound links.

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seo backlinks: how to find links that are linking back your webpages

Building or acquiring back links are an important part of the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) process. So, What are BacklinksBacklinks are defined as URLs that points to a webpage on your domain from another webpage in a different domain. Although internal links (within the same domain)  can also be considered as backlinks, for the purpose of SEO mostly links from another domain is considered more important. Back-links are also sometimes referred to as the inward links or inbound links.

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