how and where to find negative keywords for your google adwords campaign

Google Adwords Search Queries

Negative keywords are a useful feature of Google AdWords that allows you to drop some search queries from matching your keywords and ads. This allows you to restrict your AdWords ad impressions to a restricted and targeted audience, thus improving your Click thru rate (CTR) and the quality score of the keyword. It is not required that you have any…

4 easy ways to get to the top position in google adwords

Adwords in SERP

Google Adwords is one of the most popular medium for internet marketing. You can use Adwords to market in three distinct areas of internet marketing: the search engine pages, Google search partners and in websites supporting Google Adsense (display networks). Among the three, the search engine is probably one of the most coveted marketing strategies adopted by almost all of…

how to optimize the meta description tag of a webpage

Wordpress SEO description tag

The description meta tag is an html tag, defined inside the head section of an html or web page and it defines a human readable description about the contents of the web page. This is a much more detailed description of the page when compared to the title tag of the page. So, ideally a web page will have a…

understanding the use of negative keywords in google adwords

negative keywords in google adwords

Negative keywords in Google Adwords are as the name suggests, specific keywords that when matched will negate the display of your ad even though other keywords in the context match positively. Irrespective of what the keyword matching algorithm says the ad will not display if one or more of these negative keywords are found in the search query or in…

what are ad groups in google adwords and its advantages…

Ad Groups in Adwords

If you use Google Adwords to market your products or services online, then you should have at least heard about Adwords campaigns and ad groups. Each campaign in your Adwords account is composed of at least one ad group, and quite possibly contain multiple ad groups. An Ad Group can be defined or viewed as a logical combination of a…

what is a campaign in google adwords and its advantages

Campaign tab in Google Adwords

If you are planning to use Google Adwords for any of your internet marketing, then Campaigns are probably one of the fundamental concepts that you need to understand along with Ad Groups. A Campaign consists of one or more related Ad Groups, which are in turn composed of ads and related keywords. The Campaigns are usually and should be a…

seo and title tag: the use of word separators in title tags…should you or should you not?

title tag search in google

Title tags are probably one of the most important factor that affects the search engine optimization (SEO) of your web page. The content of the web page does matter a whole lot more, but when used appropriately with the title tag it complements the page content and thus increases the relevance of your content in the search engine indexing. Word…

seo backlinks: how to find links that are linking back your webpages

seo in google tools

Building or acquiring back links are an important part of the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) process. So, What are Backlinks? Backlinks are defined as URLs that points to a webpage on your domain from another webpage in a different domain. Although internal links (within the same domain)  can also be considered as backlinks, for the purpose of SEO mostly links from another domain…

three reasons the phrase match is better than broad match in google adwords

Google Adwords Broad match type queries

Google Adwords have three types of keyword targeting or matching: broad match, phrase match and exact match. In general, the type of match that you would use for a keyword or keyphrase will depend on several things. The most common and important considerations being Type of audience:  For a particular keyword, you should have a target audience in mind. This…

understand the three keyword match types in google adwords and how to use them

Google Adwords Broad match type queries

Google Adwords works by matching keywords and keyphrases with search queries to determine when, where and how your ads will be shown to the user. This process is key in determining the success of your marketing efforts both in terms of the return of investment on the money spent and also the type of audience you are targeting and its…

understanding the concept of keywords and its importance in google adwords

Google Adwords Broad match type queries

One of the core concepts in Google Adwords is that of keywords. A keyword in Adwords is one or more words or a phrase that you can associate with an ad that you perceive or have determined to be of relevance to the ad itself. These keywords are then used by an algorithm to match your ads with the search query. If it matches…