seo and title tag: the use of word separators in title tags…should you or should you not?

title tag search in google

Title tags are probably one of the most important factor that affects the search engine optimization (SEO) of your web page. The content of the web page does matter a whole lot more, but when used appropriately with the title tag it complements the page content and thus increases the relevance of your content in the search engine indexing. Word…

seo backlinks: how to find links that are linking back your webpages

seo in google tools

Building or acquiring back links are an important part of the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) process. So, What are Backlinks? Backlinks are defined as URLs that points to a webpage on your domain from another webpage in a different domain. Although internal links (within the same domain)  can also be considered as backlinks, for the purpose of SEO mostly links from another domain…

web analytics: is a high website bounce rate really that bad?

Screenshot of Bounce Rate by Source in Google Analytics

Bounce Rate is defined as the percentage of website visitors that record just a single page view on the website. They take a look at the landing page and then leave immediately usually not satisfied with what they see and read… least that is the general interpretation of the bounce rate. There are many reasons why this interpretation of bounce rate is…

6 reasons why your website bounce rate might be so high

High Bounce Rate Screenshot

Bounce Rate is generally defined as the percentage of visits that results in just one page view. This is considered to be one of the many indicators that allows you to understand the quality of your website and also your website traffic. Having a higher bounce rate is often considered a negative in most cases. Before you decide whether or…

what is an average bounce rate for different types of websites?

Screenshot of bounce rate in Google Analytics

The Bounce Rate is a website statistics that is considered by many, including some search engines, to represent the overall quality of your website and traffic. It is actually more interesting and useful when you use it to gauge the effectiveness of a marketing strategy than when it is used to analyze your entire web traffic. The bounce rate of a website is unique…

redirect non-www domain to the www domain and avoid duplicate content

Lost Saloon preferred domain version

A webpage or the website itself, can have more than one version of the URL pointing to it. This creates some issues for a search engine and for the SEO of the website itself, often referred to as the canonicalization issue. Canonicalization  or c14n, in the world of websites, is the process in which the best URL is chosen for…

how to reduce image size using any photo editing software

Dialog Window to Index the colors of an image in Gimp

A high resolution image or photograph usually also have a very high file size. If you are planning to upload the image to a website to share or just using it on your webpage or blog a  page, then the image size becomes a problem.  A large image size is not desirable in many situations. When used in a webpage…

image search optimization using alt and title attributes in img html tags

SEO Cubes Stacked Icon

So you inserted one or more pictures into your blog post as the SEO experts said you should, now you want to do some image search optimization so that you can rank higher for text as well as image searches. But there are two attributes in the image tag called alt and title ……. which should you use and how…