how and why to add docType to your HTML pages…in both HTML 5 and HTML 4

DocType tag in HTML

Hyper Text Meta Language or HTML is the language used create webpages. All the web browsers can parse and understand HTML code and then render them appropriately as visual elements that is seen as webpages. The HTML has been designed and developed over a long period of time, which means that there are several different versions and types of the…

how to specify dimensions of an image in HTML, CSS or Javascript

Dimensions in img tag

Images are an integral part of any or at least most webpages. Almost every single webpage that you find on the internet will have at least one image in it. Of course, you might find some manual pages (and some pages on this blog) that might be devoid of any image, but they are usually far and few in between….

how to reload or refresh a webpage using javascript

firefox reload and refresh button

When developing webpages for a website, you will often come across pages that updates much more frequently than others. One of the easiest way to ensure that the viewers get the latest content is to refresh the page automatically. Although you could also rely on the users refreshing the page manually, it is sometimes desirable to reload the page automatically…

how to make an image in a webpage clickable in HTML?

Html CSS include code

A clickable image is an image that acts also as an HTML hyperlink. Clicking on any part of the image will redirect the user to another URL or webpage. You can make any image on a webpage clickable. Simple HTML is all you need to create the image clickable, just as a text link. First, let’s look at how images…

seo: how to get the most out of gzip compression of web pages

Enabling compression in .htaccess

Enabling compression on your web server can reduce the latency and load time of your web pages enormously. Compression reduces the size of the web pages thus reducing the download time of the webpage. It also helps to reduce the bandwidth used by the server and increase the web server capacity. You can easily enable compression on your web server, by…